728x90 반응형 영어공부1 영어공부_I've Had it. 출처: YBM 생활영어 무료강의 A: I need to get my hands on a chocolate cream pie. B: That's the sugar addiction talking. Focus on your waistline. A: I've had it with carrot sticks and cucumbers! B: Hand in there. Trust me. These urges will pass. *need to get my hands on : 손을 대야 할 것 같다 = 먹어야 겠다. I need to get my hands on = I have to have = I want to get = I'm seriously looking for 주로 얻기 쉽지 않은 것을 얻길 원할 때 이런 표.. 2022. 10. 5. 이전 1 다음 728x90 반응형