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영어공부_Don't let him get you going

by 레드썬 2022. 10. 10.

출처: YBM 생활영어 무료강의

A: I went a few rounds with my neighbor about parking.

B: Don't let him get you going. It's not worth the stress. 

A: He really knows how to push my buttons.

B: If you get worked up, you're just playing into him.


* I went a few rounds with my neighbor = My neighbor and I were arguing = I argued with my neighbor

Few rounds: 권투 경기등에서 경기가 round로 나뉘는것에서 나온 말. 지속적으로 반복해서 싸운 상황을 표현한것.

* about parking = in regards to a parking issue = regarding parking cars in the parking lot

* Don't let him get you going = Don't allow him to make you upset = Don't give him a chance to bother you

In this sentence, 'going' means action or behavior or speed up your thinking emotions.

And, 'get you going' means to push you until you are reaction negatively.

* It's not worth the stress = It's not good for your stress levels = It's just a headache that you don't need.

* He really knows how to push my buttons = He is very well aware of what makes me angry

* If you get worked up = If you get angry = If he can get you all upset = If he can make you lose your temer

*you're just playing into him = you're just doing what he wants you to do = you lose and he wins




A: 이웃이랑 주차 때문에 다퉜어

B: 그 사람 때문에 화낼 거 없어. 스트레스 받을 가치도 없어.  

A: 그 남자 어떻게 하면 내가 폭발하는지 잘 안다니까.

B: 그런 일로 속상해하면 그 사람에게 놀아나는 것 밖에 안된다구. 


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